Vocabulary on Fear and Phobia https://bit.ly/2TEdP9U Vocabulary On Phobia | Vocabulary Meaning In English Phobia of death ( Overcoming fear of death anxiety) : Thanatophobia 2. Phobia of heights (extreme or irrational phobia) : Acrophobia 3. Phobia/fear of water, swimming : Aquaphobia 4. Fear of Darkness : Nyctophobia 5. Fear of long words : sesquipedalophobia Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words 6. Fear of Words : Logophobia 7. Fear of Sunlight : Heliophobia 8. Fear of Dancing : Chorophobia 9. Fear of Bathing : Ablutophobia 10. Fear of having Phobia : Phobophobia 11. Fear of enclosed spaces : Claustrophobia 12. Fear of open spaces : Agoraphobia 13. Fear of Dogs : Cynophobia 14. Fear of Insects : Entomophobia 15. Fear of Bees : Melissophobia 16. Fear of Wasps : Spheksophobia 1...
List of Inventions and Discoveries 1. Who invented Computer ? Ans : Charles Babbage 2. Who invented Facebook ? Ans : Marks Zukerberg 3. Who are the founders of Twitter ? Ans : Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams 4. Who actually invented e-mail ? Ans : Shiva Ayyadurai 5. Who are the founders of google ? Ans : Larry Page, Sergy Brin 6. Who is the inventor of Instagram ? Ans : Kevin Systrom 7. Who is the first inventor of telephone ? Ans : Alexander Graham Bell 8. Who invented Gravity ? Ans : Sir Issac Newton 9. Who first invented bulb ? Ans : Thomas Edison 10. Who first invented electricity ? Ans : Benjamin Franklin 11. Who Invented Zero ? Ans : Aryabhatta 12. Who invented keyboard ? Ans :Christopher Latham Sholes (invented QWERTY Keyboard) 13. Who invented laptop ? Ans : Adam Osborne 14. Who invented Television ? Ans. Philo Taylor Farnsworth 15.Who invented Radio ? Ans :...
Improve Your English | Vocabulary Meaning In English | Daily Vocabulary Zoophilist : A person who loves animal or pets Selenophile : A person who loves the moon Heliophile : A person who loves the sun Pluviophile : A person who loves rain and find joy and peace Dendrophile : A person who loves trees Naturalist : A person who loves nature Sapiophile : A person who gets attracted to intelligent people or intelligence Thalassophile : A lover of the sea Orophile : A Mountain lover Opacarophile : A person who loves sunset Ominiscient : A person who knows everything Hodophile : A person who loves to travel Melophile : A person who loves Music Xenophile : A person who has a love of foreign people Logophile : A lover of words Clinophile : A Person who loves beds Ailurophile : A cat lover Astrophile : A person strongly attracted to knowledge about the stars. Limnophile : A person who love lakes Chinophile : A...