VOCABULARY WORDS RELATED TO DEATH Vocabulary meaning in English Shroud ( Grave) : a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial. ( कफ़न ) Ex : "he was buried in a linen shroud" Agony(pain, hurt, suffering, torture, torment , unconscious) : Extremely physical or mental suffering. ( व्यथा , यातना ) Ex: "he crashed to the ground in agony" Bewail(lament, mourn, grieve) : express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something) ( शोक मनाना ) Ex: "men will bewail the loss of earlier freedoms" Funeral(burial, interment,sepulture): a ceremony or service held shortly after a person's death, usually including the person's burial or cremation. ( अंततम संस्कार ) Ex: “People are preparing his funeral” Graveyard(churchyard, boneyard): a burial ground, especially one beside a church.( शमशान घाट ) Ex: "he was buried in the graveyard of St Mary'...